Hi there, my name's Sam and I'm a flexible, easy-going 24-year-old postgraduate medical student with a passion for teaching. I have a diverse background in Biology having completed it at higher level in Secondary School before studying Pharmacology at University. I began Graduate Entry Medicine last year and tutorials are a key aspect of how we learn in this degree, where we present our learning...
Hi there, my name's Sam and I'm a flexible, easy-going 24-year-old postgraduate medical student with a passion for teaching. I have a diverse background in Biology having completed it at higher level in Secondary School before studying Pharmacology at University. I began Graduate Entry Medicine last year and tutorials are a key aspect of how we learn in this degree, where we present our learning objectives on a weekly basis to our class. I am passionate about explaining and simplifying concepts so that you not only learn it in the short term for an exam, but can then recall the information far into the future. This makes learning a lot more interesting, fun and worthwhile in my opinion! I will also be able to share a whole host of techniques I have utilised in the past for examination success. Please get in contact with me if you'd like to schedule some classes.
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