Fairly free form. Tell me what it is you need to learn about and I'll be happy to take some time to research into it beforehand and then explain to you what I believe it is you need. If you have mock exams to draw upon or past examples of questions that you don't understand how you got wrong, I am happy to go through those as well. Regimented structure is good but being able to bounce between top...
Fairly free form. Tell me what it is you need to learn about and I'll be happy to take some time to research into it beforehand and then explain to you what I believe it is you need. If you have mock exams to draw upon or past examples of questions that you don't understand how you got wrong, I am happy to go through those as well. Regimented structure is good but being able to bounce between topics easily and without constraints of a lesson plan, I believe, is the most ideal situation to be in. Whatever makes you comfortable.