I use case studies and scenarios to illustrate 'real life' legal issues, always encouraging students to ask their own questions and to use discussion to work towards answers and explanations. This helps to build deeper understanding rather than just 'knowledge' of the law. I will encourage students to make use of free online mind-mapping tools to visualize and learn how and where legal authoritie...
I use case studies and scenarios to illustrate 'real life' legal issues, always encouraging students to ask their own questions and to use discussion to work towards answers and explanations. This helps to build deeper understanding rather than just 'knowledge' of the law. I will encourage students to make use of free online mind-mapping tools to visualize and learn how and where legal authorities (case law and legislation) can be used to inform answers to exam-style questions. I expect students to invest time and effort ahead of lessons undertaking any reading or thinking that is required. This 'flipped learning' approach is designed to maximize the benefit of in-class learning that the student can derive from each lesson. The ambition is for the pace of learning to be quick to maintain momentum and interest in the subject, however the pace of learning can and will be adapted to meet individual student needs. Having recently undertaken training on digital accessibility, I am always looking to apply and develop ways that students can use assistive technologies and adaptive strategies to access resources and learn online with confidence. Clear and constructive feedback will be provided to help students identify and target specific knowledge, skills or understanding that is needed to make progress towards target grades or outcomes. Students are also encouraged to be self-critical and to contribute and collaborate on goal setting for progress. Students will be encouraged to read, watch, listen to a range of resources that will encourage them to extend and enrich their thinking beyond any prescribed syllabus.