For people aspiring to do Powerlifting, Strength Building or Bodybuilding.
This Tutorship is for people who are driven and hold themselves accountable; to not skip out because its cold or they are tired after work.
To progress, you have to want it and I'm very happy to help should you have that genuine motivation to stick at it.
Hello, my name is Sam and Here's some overview of what I guide my s...
For people aspiring to do Powerlifting, Strength Building or Bodybuilding.
This Tutorship is for people who are driven and hold themselves accountable; to not skip out because its cold or they are tired after work.
To progress, you have to want it and I'm very happy to help should you have that genuine motivation to stick at it.
Hello, my name is Sam and Here's some overview of what I guide my students through.
Stage 1:
Fitness Assessment,
Diet Assessment,
Goals(Short Term and Long Term),
Calorie Intake Program for Growth,
Workout Schedule for Beginning 3 Months,
Stage 2:
New Workout Schedule (At 3Month Mark)
Reassessment diet plan (At 3Month Mark)
Stage 3:
New Workout Schedule (6 Month Mark)
Reassessment diet plan (At 6Month Mark)
Stage 4:
Prepping for Amateur Competitions(9Months/1Year Mark)
Stage 1 Breakdown:
Firstly an honest assessment of your regular fitness levels and diet.
This is key to understand and Nothing to be ashamed of, as It is the building blocks of Muscles and nothing substantial will be achieved if this is not looked at and made consistent. We always progress by making small changes, one piece at a time.
I will ascertain your Goals and where you want to be i.e. bodyweight wise or strength wise; and we'll figure out a Timeframe you are happy with and that is also realistic, and go from there. For me I started my journey at 75KG at 6'2(Very Skinny) and desired to get to firstly 85KG within a Year, and later 95KG by year two.
I completed my first goal in 8 months, and my second in a subsequent 6 months(Without dirty bulking). I now weigh 98KG and can Deadlift 185KG/407lbs(Dec 2023).
We then will analyse your BMI and work out your current Calorie Intake, and what it actually should be daily.
I will then talk you through this and set you a plan ie. daily protein intake, Calorie intake -and good pre and post workout meals, and happily help with education on clean and useful food to build your body fit for purpose of your goals.
Now to the fun stuff - The Workout plan
This will be entirely tailored to your goals i.e. Powerlifting, Strength Building or Bodybuilding.
I have studied alot of muscle anatomy, Biomechanics and am very focused on the correct form and most optimal way to build muscle.
I practise High Intensity, Low Volume Targeted Muscle training.
The goal is to do a Warmup set, and then do 2 Working Sets to near failure(But not 100%; as to injure yourself is to take two steps backward).
The goal of this type of working out is so that we achieve muscle Hypertrophy every session; for every muscle group trained. This ensures our Muscles will rebuild everytime, but here's where the aformentioned diet plan comes in.
We can lay the blueprints for the house(Train the muscles) perfectly and spend a million pounds doing so(Workout as much as possible), But if the bricks and mortar(Correct daily Protein and Calorie Needs) aren't there, the house can't be built no matter how good the blueprints are.
That should give you a window into the mind of madness that comes with training but once you get into it; you won't look back as the results speak for themselves!
Look forward to working with you!
All the best,
Sam Wall
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