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Salman Abdulrasaq
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Salman Abdulrasaq
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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University students
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Salman Abdulrasaq in a nutshell
i bagged Phd degree in Business Administration and I had over 10 years experience in both virtual and physical teaching and supervising in both undergraduate and postgraduate levels in business administration courses.
Based on my potential and experience in teaching and supervision of projects, dissertations and thesis for undergraduate and postgraduate students, I give maximum support allow my...
i bagged Phd degree in Business Administration and I had over 10 years experience in both virtual and physical teaching and supervising in both undergraduate and postgraduate levels in business administration courses.
Based on my potential and experience in teaching and supervision of projects, dissertations and thesis for undergraduate and postgraduate students, I give maximum support allow my students to acquire best knowledge in their chosen career.
There is always the provision and advantage for flexibility in teaching and transferring of knowledge to students. Technology aids such as Watapp call and vIdeo, Zoom meeting, YouTube Videos etc are usually employed for easy access and understanding the basic issues in the studies.
During the modules explanations, students are allowed to make suggestions, bring up ideas, ask questions and seek clarifications on the subject matters and due to unforseen situations which may denied student to meet the class lesson, such situation will be due consideration in order to blend the gap.
However, due to differences in the time zones, students will be given the advantages to suit his/her preferred time for lessons.
More so, in project writing, dissertation or thesis, students will be given a due consideration to select a topic from their best area of Interest so that flow and exploration in bringing out novelty from the chosen research areas or field of study.
Students are welcome at all time to seek clarifications in all areas of their studies in business administration through any medium of communication including mails as mentioned above.
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