I will firstly test the student on their ability with many practice questions for different topics within mathematics. Then I will go through a past exam paper with them to make sure they understand the concept of a professional exam.Next, I will get them to complete a past exam paper in timed conditions and I will mark it and provide the student with important feedback.Lastly, I will go through...
I will firstly test the student on their ability with many practice questions for different topics within mathematics. Then I will go through a past exam paper with them to make sure they understand the concept of a professional exam.Next, I will get them to complete a past exam paper in timed conditions and I will mark it and provide the student with important feedback.Lastly, I will go through many tough topic questions with the student to provide them with the confidence and the ability to answer every single question to the best of their ability. This will ensure them a great mark in their final examination which will improve their future education and their future options for working.
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