In my opinion, the most important part of any tutoring session is having fun! We learn most effectively when we are enjoying ourselves. To ensure this, the focus of each tutoring session is guided by you. Together, we will delve deeper into your areas of interest, building on your strengths and celebrating each little victory. Through this, we will naturally work on your weaknesses - you'll impro...
In my opinion, the most important part of any tutoring session is having fun! We learn most effectively when we are enjoying ourselves. To ensure this, the focus of each tutoring session is guided by you. Together, we will delve deeper into your areas of interest, building on your strengths and celebrating each little victory. Through this, we will naturally work on your weaknesses - you'll improve without even realising it!
Being able to speak the language can be one of the most exciting parts of learning a new language. In my tutoring sessions, we will enjoy a comfortable balance between interacting in French/German and in English. Each lesson will be pitched at the right level for you, so you have nothing to worry about! Using the language outside your school lessons is a really rewarding and satisfying experience.
As far as my tutoring style is concerned, I like to prepare resources for each session so that we make the most out of each hour. I am also happy to create additional resources so that you can practise outside of the tutoring sessions, however of course this is optional!
In summary, my tutoring sessions are fun and informative, and I do hope I will have the opportunity to work with you soon. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
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