As a tutor, I like to spark debates and conversations with students to help them grasp the content in their own way. I try to personalise the content to real life so students can understand real world applications. I strongly believe that a good learning environment requires discussion, and exam technique focus and this is what I tend to focus on in lessons. Students need to be engaged and I fulf...
As a tutor, I like to spark debates and conversations with students to help them grasp the content in their own way. I try to personalise the content to real life so students can understand real world applications. I strongly believe that a good learning environment requires discussion, and exam technique focus and this is what I tend to focus on in lessons. Students need to be engaged and I fulfill this by personalising lessons to student needs. Lessons do have a structure, but are also flexible based on students needs!
Firstly, I start sessions off by asking students how their week went and any concerns they have about their subject. I tend to keep this short, but it's for the purpose of easing the student in and releasing any pressure. I then give students an exam question - but not to scare them! It's just to test their knowledge, how they approach exam questions and where their confidence is at. After this, I tend to teach some content, related to the exam question. Whilst teaching content, I structure the lesson based on what kind of a student I have. If the student tends to be a verbal learner, I ask the students lots of questions and engage in verbal revision with some notes. If the student tends to be more on the visual learner side, I try to incorporate videos and little images to help them consolidate content. Learning and revision doesn't have to be boring, you just have to know what kind of learner you are!
Often, I will make the student redo the exam question towards the end, to visualise their improvements, whilst scaffolding them with tips to help them obtain their grades. Usually, I ask students to tell me what topics they feel comfortable/stressed by for me to plan lessons around these topics. Lesson time is always characterised as a space for students to breathe, learn in an unpressurised environment and work on whatever it is they want to work on to become the best student they want to become!
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