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Ronda in a nutshell
I taught Anatomy, Physiology (including labs), Biology and Nutrition at a community college for 21 years. I also started and managed a walk-in tutoring center at the college where students could spend time with lab materials and ask questions, or just study in groups. I use a wide variety of teaching methods as I realize students all learn at their own rate and style. I have been described as...
I taught Anatomy, Physiology (including labs), Biology and Nutrition at a community college for 21 years. I also started and managed a walk-in tutoring center at the college where students could spend time with lab materials and ask questions, or just study in groups. I use a wide variety of teaching methods as I realize students all learn at their own rate and style. I have been described as "addicted" to physiology and enjoy applying the information to real life situations so it becomes relevant and meaningful. Some of the courses I taught were online and I am very good at clarifying information in writing, and am also familiar with Zoom. Tutoring sessions will be based on your needs and style of learning.
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