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Town/city/borough Eltham, Abbey Wood, Bexleyheath, New , Plumstead (Greater London), Thamesmead, Welling, Woolwich
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Infant and nursery school
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Rojina in a nutshell
My lessons are mostly student focused and mastering topics also builds fluency. I focus more on students' understanding of maths topics and build on more to that and also do a lot of calculation practice to promote their mental calculations and find their suitable way of calculations. As for problem-solving skills, I am more concrete in the beginning, for example, using real-life examples or usin...
My lessons are mostly student focused and mastering topics also builds fluency. I focus more on students' understanding of maths topics and build on more to that and also do a lot of calculation practice to promote their mental calculations and find their suitable way of calculations. As for problem-solving skills, I am more concrete in the beginning, for example, using real-life examples or using objects for students to understand the problems. From there, I will be more abstract than concrete. I would say my lessons would be constructive in learning and development in Mathematics.

I have experience 1 year as a Maths instructor back in Hong Kong, I am a fun teacher, and many of my students enjoyed learning maths with me and also improved in word problems and calculations mostly. I have also been tutoring my brother since Primary 4 with maths and English. He has been improving in Year 4 topics although the pandemic had caused delayed learning. one of his achievements was from getting 8/50 to 63/100 on his test.

I also teach in Nepali if student can understand better in that way. But most of the time it is English
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