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Robin in a nutshell
The process of learning a new language is overwhelming. You want to speak a language straight away, but you must give yourself time. Like everything in life, patience is a virtue. If you learn to trust the process and give yourself credit, then you will be able to see progress.

Even when you don’t feel like you’re progressing; you are. The second real-life lesson about language learning is enjo...
The process of learning a new language is overwhelming. You want to speak a language straight away, but you must give yourself time. Like everything in life, patience is a virtue. If you learn to trust the process and give yourself credit, then you will be able to see progress.

Even when you don’t feel like you’re progressing; you are. The second real-life lesson about language learning is enjoying the journey. Set yourself goals, but be realistic. When achieving fluency, you must take time and notice that progression is happening instead of being hard on yourself.

When you are practising a new language, fear will enter; it’s only normal. As anything new, the only way to deal with fear is to keep going. Your confidence builds when you begin to believe in yourself, be patient, enjoy the process. When learning a language, you boost your confidence because you are actively working on achieving fluency, finding failures, growing from them.

My role is not just to teach you, but also to build your confidence. That's why every lesson is tailored to you and you ability.
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