Vocational Education and Training (VET): Post graduate certificate of Education (Secondary, chemistry)Master's degree (M): Organic ChemistryBachelor's Degree: Chemistry with medicinal chemistry
I like to bring a subject back to first principles and establish some vocabulary. These are the corner stones of any science and can be used to build knowledge. A short recap on key points of a subject (or more in depth if required) can then be followed by exam questions and real world examples to put the knowledge into context. I appreciate when students are as candid and open as possible about...
I like to bring a subject back to first principles and establish some vocabulary. These are the corner stones of any science and can be used to build knowledge. A short recap on key points of a subject (or more in depth if required) can then be followed by exam questions and real world examples to put the knowledge into context. I appreciate when students are as candid and open as possible about what they do and do not understand or know. I like to remind students that I know my subject because someone else taught me (in person or in literature etc) and there is no shame in asking for clarity. I think the best way to tackle a difficulty or misconception is to look for the root cause. Is there a more fundamental misunderstanding causing later frustration? Often exploring the way a pupil thinks their way through a problem can be revealing and can help set them on the right path in unintended ways.