I try to share my enthusiasm for the subject and learning itself as, in my experience, the student isn't always enthusiastic about the subject. Firstly, I assess where in the syllabus the student is struggling. Then test the student with an exam question to ascertain their current level. I then would work through the theory with them, engaging and challenging them throughout the process. Then, ma...
I try to share my enthusiasm for the subject and learning itself as, in my experience, the student isn't always enthusiastic about the subject. Firstly, I assess where in the syllabus the student is struggling. Then test the student with an exam question to ascertain their current level. I then would work through the theory with them, engaging and challenging them throughout the process. Then, match some examples with the theory and let the student take control of the questions. Once the process and theory has been practiced, I would assess again with another exam question to see what progress has been made.
Once this has been done across the board, I tie it into an exam strategy and work on how to give the student confidence in exams. We go through each past paper identifying what questions go with what formulas, lead by the student. Also, I have found that reading starting the exam, answering questions that the student is most familiar with, is a good way to build confidence throughout the exam.