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Ridhima Narayan
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Ridhima Narayan
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Secondary school
University students
Education and qualifications
Education and qualifications
Master's degree (M): MPhil. English
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Ridhima Narayan in a nutshell
Dear Potential Students,

Welcome to the exciting world of learning with me, Ridhima Narayan! If you're wondering what my lessons are like, let me give you a sneak peek into the engaging and enriching experience that awaits you.
Engaging Format:
My lessons are far from traditional and boring. I believe in making learning a thrilling adventure. Imagine interactive discussions, thought-provoking de...
Dear Potential Students,

Welcome to the exciting world of learning with me, Ridhima Narayan! If you're wondering what my lessons are like, let me give you a sneak peek into the engaging and enriching experience that awaits you.
Engaging Format:
My lessons are far from traditional and boring. I believe in making learning a thrilling adventure. Imagine interactive discussions, thought-provoking debates, and activities that bring literature to life. No more tedious lectures: instead, we explore, experiment, and engage.

Content Rich:
With a background in English literature, I'm your gateway to the mesmerizing world of books, poetry, and storytelling. We dive into the depths of literary classics, dissecting themes, characters, and the hidden treasures of prose. But it's not just about reading; it's about understanding, appreciating, and creating your narratives.
Experienced Guidance:
I bring years of teaching experience at the university level, which means you get university-quality instruction tailored to your level. I've worked with students from diverse backgrounds, and I understand the unique challenges you might face.

Interactive Dynamics:
Expect lively discussions where your thoughts matter. We'll explore literature, critical thinking, and communication skills through engaging conversations, group activities, and creative projects. It's not just about absorbing information; it's about actively participating in your learning journey.

Unlock Your Potential:
My ultimate goal is to help you unlock your full potential. Whether you're striving for better grades, aiming for literary excellence, or simply seeking to communicate more effectively, together, we'll achieve your goals.

Flexible and Fun:
Learning should be flexible and fun. I offer convenient scheduling to fit your lifestyle. No more rushing to a classroom; we bring the classroom to you.

Are you ready to embark on a thrilling adventure through the world of literature, critical thinking, and communication? Join me, Ridhima Narayan, and let's explore the endless possibilities of learning together. Contact me today, and let's embark on this exciting journey towards your academic success!
Ridhima Narayan teaches here
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