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Town/city/borough Leeds, Holbeck (City and Borough of ), Richmond Hill
verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
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Reyna in a nutshell
I graduated with an international Baccalaureate in highschool. My final grades:

Higher level:
Design technology 6/7
English language literature 6/7
Visual arts 6/7

Standard level:
Economics 7/7
Math AI 7/7
French 5/7

TOK 1/3

Receiving a 38/45

Currently studying product design BSc in the department of mechanical engineering in University of Leeds.

Most people in the world are visual learner...
I graduated with an international Baccalaureate in highschool. My final grades:

Higher level:
Design technology 6/7
English language literature 6/7
Visual arts 6/7

Standard level:
Economics 7/7
Math AI 7/7
French 5/7

TOK 1/3

Receiving a 38/45

Currently studying product design BSc in the department of mechanical engineering in University of Leeds.

Most people in the world are visual learners and I believe that this is a method that most educators should be adopting especially for the young minds. Our brains perceive visuals a lot more effectively and quickly than numerical or verbal communication. This makes learning to read and write quite difficult for children. Patience and understanding the individual childs learning capabilities will enable faster learning, which is difficult in a classroom setting.
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