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Renée McAlister
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Renée McAlister
Town/city/borough Eastbourne
verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
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University students
Education and qualifications
Education and qualifications
Master's degree (M): MsC
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Renée McAlister in a nutshell
I bring compassion to the classroom. Learning a language is difficult and I understand that. \I will support you and help you in your journey, My specialties are pronunciation, vocabulary and real English, My lessons are creative and you will be challenged in the best way.
My students consistently give me 5 stars.
If you want to learn English you must come with me. I am an amazing English teach...
I bring compassion to the classroom. Learning a language is difficult and I understand that. \I will support you and help you in your journey, My specialties are pronunciation, vocabulary and real English, My lessons are creative and you will be challenged in the best way.
My students consistently give me 5 stars.
If you want to learn English you must come with me. I am an amazing English teacher!!
I look forward to meeting you.
Grammar, speaking, listening,, reading, writing, I will support you in all of these skills - happily!
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