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Reagan in a nutshell
I have always had a passion for teaching, and ever since I was a child, I've always wanted to share my knowledge with others. The teaching others helps me to keep my mind refreshed. After all, the things that I teach the students in my course are the fundamentals that they will need to thrive in there careers. The best way I engage students in lessons is to give them a what I call a template, suc...
I have always had a passion for teaching, and ever since I was a child, I've always wanted to share my knowledge with others. The teaching others helps me to keep my mind refreshed. After all, the things that I teach the students in my course are the fundamentals that they will need to thrive in there careers. The best way I engage students in lessons is to give them a what I call a template, such as an illustration, photograph, or artifact to get their minds ready for what they are about to learn.
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