I hope you will be able to consider this supporting statement as evidence of an exceptional subject specialist, practitioner and manager, experienced in leading on new developments in teaching and learning in science education and CPD. Having all the qualities needed for an online tutor.
My B.Sc. (Hons) in Physics, M.Sc. in Laser Physics and PGCE - PCET, underpin my nearly thirty years of conti...
I hope you will be able to consider this supporting statement as evidence of an exceptional subject specialist, practitioner and manager, experienced in leading on new developments in teaching and learning in science education and CPD. Having all the qualities needed for an online tutor.
My B.Sc. (Hons) in Physics, M.Sc. in Laser Physics and PGCE - PCET, underpin my nearly thirty years of continuous teaching experience on a variety of vocational and academic courses in both FE and HE, principally A Level Physics. The courses I have taught include:
AS/A2/A3 level Physics; AS Science for Public Understanding; AS Extended Project; AS-Key Skills, Application of Number; Access to Science; Access to Radiography; Access to HE; GCSE Physics; GCSE Double Science; GCSE Astronomy; GCSE Mathematics; GNVQ Intermediate Engineering - Science and Mathematics; BTEC National Diploma in Science, Applied Science; BTEC National Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering ; BTEC National Diploma in Information Technology BTEC National Diploma in Engineering; Mathematical Methods for A-level Science Students ; Diploma for Teaching and Learning in The Life Long Skills Sector (DTLLS); Science Foundation Degree at Barnet College; PGCE (Post-16) – Institute of Education, University of London; Certificate in FE Teaching, ONCW – as Learning Development Advisor at Barnet College.
I am therefore well acquainted with the needs of a diverse body of learners and the demands this places on the teaching and learning process within science education.
After ten years of consolidating my teaching and expertise as an A Level Physics Course Tutor and achieving my PGCE in Post Compulsory Education, I became Subject Leader in Physics in 2000, leading (at one time) five well qualified physics lecturers and the development of the physics provision across two college sites, gaining experience of the necessary professional duties and attributes of this role, from leading learner focussed course team meetings, producing schemes of work, active teaching and learning materials and course handbooks, to the monitoring of learner assessments and progress. My position was enhanced by becoming an Assistant Examiner for Edexcel in A Level Physics (a role I currently hold)
My strong commitment to self reflection and improvement, both for learners and teachers of physics is evidenced by my role as Subject Learning Coach (SLC) for Science, ( developing and sharing best practice amongst science teams) In particular, it led to the development of my publication record, the first of which, “Teaching Gravitational Potential in A Level Physics”, R. Perera, School Science Review, June (293), Journal of the Association for Science Education, concerned the delivery of a very challenging concept to A level physicists. The intention was to develop an approach to the topic that offers students a more familiar set of mathematical manipulations than those of differential calculus.
My second publication, “Modelling Planetary Motion”, R. Perera, Physics Review, January 2000, Volume 9, Number 3, published by Philip Allan Updates, was designed to incorporate and reflect a number of developments within the science area. The article was not only relevant to AS/A2 level physics students interested in the Astrophysics option but also to students of AS Science for Public Understanding and GCSE Astronomy. These new subjects were seen as enhancing and enriching the science provision at the college. The article’s focus on spreadsheet modelling reflected the changes underway in relation to the use of ICT within the science curriculum and demonstrates my expertise in this area.
I have experience of working closely with lead science consultants from the DfES in generating CPD resources designed to improve and embed active teaching and learning strategies in science. My contribution led to the development of exemplar STEM CPD resources for the then Standards Unit (DfES) and focussed on deriving the gas equation from kinetic theory, using active learning methods in collaborative group work. The materials featured on the LSIS Excellence Gateway (2004). The fruits of this collaboration were key to informing teaching, learning and CPD in science at a national level.
My appointment to the position of Learning Develop Advisor in 2009 was based on these achievements and on a proven track record of quality teaching at the college (consistently achieving grade 1 -2 in formal lesson observations). Reporting to the Head of Quality, my role was to lead CPD across the college, acting as a high calibre role model to staff in effective methods of teaching and learning, leading a team of eight SLCs providing CPD, e-learning support and INSET for individual staff, course teams and schools.
Key responsibilities were to develop, introduce, monitor and evaluate annually, the college’s continuous professional development strategy and to develop the training of all staff at individual, team and organisational level. This entailed evaluating and reporting on the effectiveness of CPD interventions; developing and embedding rigorous quality procedures based on creative, innovative and ‘bottom up’ approaches to learning and teaching.
Preparing and presenting effective and appropriate reports on complex and diverse issues to the Executive Leadership Group also being key parts of the role.
I consider my appointment as PGCE (Post-16) PT course tutor at the Institute of Education, University of London in 2005, whilst still full time at Barnet, to be a major career milestone, achieved upon a proven track record of quality teaching, research and a publication record in science education.
I was appointed for a period of two years. This position involved teaching on the Level 7 initial teacher training programme and carrying out teaching observations for post-graduate students seeking their first teaching qualification in post-16 education. The role has helped me develop a deep understanding of teaching and learning and helped to consolidate my coaching and mentoring skills.
I have been successful in meeting OFSTEDs rigorous selection criteria to shadow a full four day Ofsted inspection of a General Further Education College, working to tight deadlines with four HMIs and seven Additional Inspectors; analysing SARs, QIPs, triangulating evidence and producing evaluative reports. This helped deepen my understanding of Ofsted’s’ Common Inspection Framework in FE. As a result, I received an exemplary report on completion, with a strong recommendation to pursue further training to become an inspector.
As a qualified EPICT (European Pedagogical IC) licensed facilitator I have been part of several action research projects in e-learning with our initial teacher trainers in partnership with the Institute of Education. My achievement of a Level 5 Certificate in Leadership & Management from the Institute of Leadership and Management which has helped me to consolidate my managerial position and skills within the college. My credibility and currency of being a leader and manager of teaching and learning was further enhanced as a result.
I strongly believe in developing the full potential of all learners and that they should have a say in how their learning is constructed. Key to this is equipping teachers with the knowledge and skills to focus on those elements that lead to improved success rates. In particular, by having high expectations and standards; using peer and collaborative learning methods where learners feel psychologically safe; developing active learning strategies; ensuring learners are challenged, stretched and receive quality formative feedback. Teachers need to have a deep understanding of teaching and learning. These I believe to be crucial skills and abilities rooted in the values of effective learner centred teaching.
I hope you consider me to be a suitably qualified and experienced tutor in Physics. Please do get in touch and improve your chances of success in A Level or GCSE Physics.
Yours sincerely,
Rajith Perera
BSc Hons, MSc, PGCE - PCET
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