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Rachel in a nutshell
I like to make my lessons fun! I try to incorporate games as much as possible, especially where certain language skills can be focused and honed.
I do not like to use a formal format as many of my students in the past were busy adults and they wanted a more relaxed style of teaching.
The content of my lessons is always geared to the needs of the student, if they want to improve vocabulary and...
I like to make my lessons fun! I try to incorporate games as much as possible, especially where certain language skills can be focused and honed.
I do not like to use a formal format as many of my students in the past were busy adults and they wanted a more relaxed style of teaching.
The content of my lessons is always geared to the needs of the student, if they want to improve vocabulary and grammar, help revising for exams or even Cambridge examination preparation then I can do this.
I have 12 years of experience and have always had lots of fun with my students, allowing them to be free to try anything.
Rachel teaches here
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