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Rachel in a nutshell
Teaching method used will be heavily tailored towards the student - primarily through a mixture of spoken and written word.

If teaching online, we would be making use of Teams/Zoom and email for homework/practice.

As I would prefer to teach beginner level French, there will be basic grammar lessons, however, lessons will be mainly focused on vocabulary and thematic topics.

I have tutored Frenc...
Teaching method used will be heavily tailored towards the student - primarily through a mixture of spoken and written word.

If teaching online, we would be making use of Teams/Zoom and email for homework/practice.

As I would prefer to teach beginner level French, there will be basic grammar lessons, however, lessons will be mainly focused on vocabulary and thematic topics.

I have tutored French previously while still at university at a local primary school - it was interesting working with different levels of competencies and interest in the subject.
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