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Town/city/borough Penarth, Butetown Community, Cardiff, Castle Community, Grangetown Community, Leckwith
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Rachael in a nutshell
I'm a passionate, enthusiastic part time primary school teacher, privately tutoring 3-11 year olds. After a baseline assessment, I will then plug any gaps in learning and ensure your child progresses by reflecting on the previous week's learning. I am able to teach english as a second language as well as basic to advanced english. I also teach maths including basic algebra, preparing your child r...
I'm a passionate, enthusiastic part time primary school teacher, privately tutoring 3-11 year olds. After a baseline assessment, I will then plug any gaps in learning and ensure your child progresses by reflecting on the previous week's learning. I am able to teach english as a second language as well as basic to advanced english. I also teach maths including basic algebra, preparing your child ready for secondary school.
I am happy to travel within the Vale of Glamorgan, students are also able to come to my house. I can also do online tutoring if you prefer. I have full DBS checks.
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