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Stefania in a nutshell
I have a Bachelor's degree in English and Turkish Language and Literature from the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures of Bucharest. I also have a C2 certificate of level for English and a certificate of translation from the Ministry of Culture from Bucharest for ENGLISH-ROMANIAN in Literature.

I guarantee that the lessons wil be fun, interactive and engaging and will focus on every st...
I have a Bachelor's degree in English and Turkish Language and Literature from the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures of Bucharest. I also have a C2 certificate of level for English and a certificate of translation from the Ministry of Culture from Bucharest for ENGLISH-ROMANIAN in Literature.

I guarantee that the lessons wil be fun, interactive and engaging and will focus on every students needs and weaknesses. We will cover every part from Reading and Grammar to Speaking and Listening to Writing, combining different methods from grammar sheets to texts for reading comprehension to audio and video files for Listening. We will also have free speaking sessions in which the students can talk freely about their hobbies/interests/day to day activities, without feeling pressured to speak, and we will also have speaking exercises focused on different subjects and topics, in this way the students having to debate and talk solely about the subject given.
Nothing will be left out and everything the student needs to learn and develop will be covered, making sure they leave the classes content and satisfied with what they learned and willing to come back again.
I guarantee satisfaction, results and fun all in one place. My purpose is to help others achieve their goals in English while also having fun and create new friendships and learn about each other. A teacher should be the student's friend, not enemy or somebody to be afraid of.
Please don't be afraid to learn with me, as I will be your best friend in helping you achieve what you want.
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