-biology-based tutoring (GCSE)
-lessons are interactive
-I encourage students to become critical thinkers
-ALL students are included and will be prompted to engage
-visual learning: diagrams to aid learning
-Students are prompted to come with questions
-formative assessments
-mini quiz at end of lessons
-past paper questions
-learn what markers are looking for!
-I relate topics to where th...
-biology-based tutoring (GCSE)
-lessons are interactive
-I encourage students to become critical thinkers
-ALL students are included and will be prompted to engage
-visual learning: diagrams to aid learning
-Students are prompted to come with questions
-formative assessments
-mini quiz at end of lessons
-past paper questions
-learn what markers are looking for!
-I relate topics to where they are applicable to us (it’s much better to understand the topics than just solely revise them for the exam)
-I provide extra reading to help strength students understanding
-students are ALWAYS welcomed to ask me questions (even after the lesson)