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Town/city/borough Blackburn
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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University students
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University Degree: BA Hons 2.1
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Peter in a nutshell
I am a very experienced corporate-level trainer and communicatons coach; I specialise in areas of communicatons impact and infuence, performance, presentatons and public speaking, collaboraton, team leadership, confict management and problem-solving, personal insights etc. to native English speakers and to speakers of other languages.

As such, and as a previous Head of Careers at a prestigious s...
I am a very experienced corporate-level trainer and communicatons coach; I specialise in areas of communicatons impact and infuence, performance, presentatons and public speaking, collaboraton, team leadership, confict management and problem-solving, personal insights etc. to native English speakers and to speakers of other languages.

As such, and as a previous Head of Careers at a prestigious school in England, where I also taught A-level General Studies Economics and Business Studies, as well as foreign languages, and Head of EFL, and further with 30+ years' experience in corporate communications coaching with clients from international organisations, businesses, political organisations and universities, I am superbly suited to teach you the skills necessary for your academic purposes (eg MBA programmes), your careers goals and your personal and professional targets.

I can help you meet your 360 ° goals, with my expertise in EQ, as well as NLP, body language and life skills (in which I hold diplomas) I am very knowledgable in the field of chao-dynamics and VUCA. These are critical to preparedness for work in the modern world.
As shown on my CV, over the years, I have trained in a very wide range of industrial and commercial sector from VIP and CEO/CFO/CTO level down to recent graduate/new recruits and in every segment, from technical research to Sales and Marketing, HR, Financial reporting, Corporate Responsibility, innovation, globalisation, PR, building brands and much more.

I have used online tutoring methods for many years and am completely up to date in the use of Teams, Zoom etc. I also have recent certificates in Online safeguarding, from CYSCB (City of York) Prevent (Home Office), and Channel (College of Policing).

Nowadays I am doing most of my work remotely/online, using Teams or Zoom. I am enthusiastc and challenging in my work, emphasising clear and measurable outcomes in every session. Given the wide range of sectors with which I have developed experience over the years, I have created a large quantity of deliverable materials; I have wide experience of the use of very flexible coaching approaches and am very well-acquainted with the most up-to- date training skills and with current trends in management and leadership development.

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