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Town/city/borough Abergavenny, Llanfoist, Llanwenarth, Brynygwenin, Govilon, Llanellen
verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
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Peter in a nutshell
I gained a B.Ed (Hons) degree from the University of Wales, UK in 1991 and have now been in education for over thirty years. I taught in Primary schools across South East Wales in the UK before moving to International Schools in Kuwait, Morocco and Egypt for the past eight years. During this time I have held the positions of class teacher, Year Leader for Year Four, Five and Six and was a Key Sta...
I gained a B.Ed (Hons) degree from the University of Wales, UK in 1991 and have now been in education for over thirty years. I taught in Primary schools across South East Wales in the UK before moving to International Schools in Kuwait, Morocco and Egypt for the past eight years. During this time I have held the positions of class teacher, Year Leader for Year Four, Five and Six and was a Key Stage Two Deputy Head for three years.
I aim to make my lessons stimulating and enjoyable in an environment where all students want to learn and to develop into full and rounded young people. Over my many years of teaching I have learned that students learn in different ways and I always try to tailor my teaching to accommodate all students.
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