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Peehu Gupta
Peehu Gupta
Town/city/borough Manchester
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Secondary school
University students
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Peehu Gupta in a nutshell
With years of tutoring experience, I have successfully helped numerous students improve their understanding and grades in various subjects. My Lessons are interactive and engaging, ensuring that students are actively involved in their learning process. Special focus is given to exam techniques and strategies, helping students excel in their tests and assessments. My Biomedicine Undergraduate degr...
With years of tutoring experience, I have successfully helped numerous students improve their understanding and grades in various subjects. My Lessons are interactive and engaging, ensuring that students are actively involved in their learning process. Special focus is given to exam techniques and strategies, helping students excel in their tests and assessments. My Biomedicine Undergraduate degree equips me with the necessary knowledge for tutoring!
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