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Town/city/borough Aberdeen, Old , Redmoss
verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
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Secondary school
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Peace in a nutshell
I am currently a 4th year Biomedical Sciences with Honours Student majoring in Pharmacology at the University of Aberdeen. I graduated secondary school with 'AA' (SQA Highers) and high 'BB' (SQA Advanced Highers) in both Mathematics and Chemistry despite having skipped the S3 and S4 years.

I have experience tutoring a 7 year old in basic Mathematics and English, a 9 year old in Mathematics, a S...
I am currently a 4th year Biomedical Sciences with Honours Student majoring in Pharmacology at the University of Aberdeen. I graduated secondary school with 'AA' (SQA Highers) and high 'BB' (SQA Advanced Highers) in both Mathematics and Chemistry despite having skipped the S3 and S4 years.

I have experience tutoring a 7 year old in basic Mathematics and English, a 9 year old in Mathematics, a SQA Highers S5 student in Chemistry and rubbing minds with coursemates at University. I also have very early experience of being tutored myself.

I will always reflect on previous experiences to identify how to better the learning experience of the pupil to improve learning outcomes which will result in a fulfilling teaching experience for me.

I will organise the progression of my lessons using the SQA Course Specification document for the relevant subjects and academic years and consolidate learning using other fun, engaging and simple teaching resources like BBC Bitesize, CrashCourse and the Leckie workbooks.

Hopefully, my thrill and enthusiasm for Mathematics and Chemistry will encourage the students I am responsible for to discover the fun and essential relevance of mathematical manipulation, numbers and the understanding of the atoms of nature which ever surround us.

Lessons will be conducted either via Zoom or GoogleMeet. Ownership of earphones is recommended to amplify audio and support the learning experience.

At the first meeting:

- initial introductions will be done, goals (expectations of conduct and overall learning outcome) will be set, of me from the student and of the student from me.
- the student will communicate what topics or areas they have identified that they need assistance with and methods they had previously employed and/or are currently employing to help with this.
- a form of assessment will be provided (to be done over the following week) as against the SQA specifications of what understanding is required at the relevant academic level of the student to further consolidate the above.
- clear "calls-to-action" (CTAs) will be given on what is expected to be done before the next session and on what will be done at the next session.
- For ease, record and organisation, outputs from all meetings will be created and shared only with the student (and the parents where necessary).
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