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Infant and nursery school
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Pawel in a nutshell
At the moment I do not have much experience at all, aside from personally tutoring younger cousins or other family through their SATs also here and there, however I can assure you this does not affect my ability to try my utmost best, maintain focus and competence throughout the lessons and provide a fun and educational experience for all. I have many documents prepared for varying lessons, cover...
At the moment I do not have much experience at all, aside from personally tutoring younger cousins or other family through their SATs also here and there, however I can assure you this does not affect my ability to try my utmost best, maintain focus and competence throughout the lessons and provide a fun and educational experience for all. I have many documents prepared for varying lessons, covering a variety of topics ranging from a lower to a stronger difficulty based on the student's ability (I usually go via the format of levels and grades for this). If need be, I am more than willing and prepared to go through practice papers, activities, worksheets or homework with students if they are struggling with it or simply need me to check or run through it with them. In addition, I believe I can create a strong bond with each student, which assists in helping them pay attention more, make the lessons once again, "educational AND fun" at the same time and with general discussions aimed upon grades/levels, target grades or what they should aim for based on my own observations during tutoring and what they (the students) think themselves around the topics, what they need more help on or more help on generally understanding; this includes methods or a wide range of them simplified into a form that can not only be accepted on SATs exam papers, but can also be easily remembered and recalled by the students themselves for a swift and easy imminent examination.
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