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Town/city/borough Grimsby, Old Clee, West Marsh
verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
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Paul in a nutshell
I am a qualified teacher with nearly 30 years of hands on teaching experience.

I have taught at all levels of competency, and major upon clear pronunciation and competency, always with the students desired outcome(s) in mind, creating enjoyable stepping stones of learning to get them to their desired destination.

I love to inspire and encourage and work from and build upon creating a ‘ I can d...
I am a qualified teacher with nearly 30 years of hands on teaching experience.

I have taught at all levels of competency, and major upon clear pronunciation and competency, always with the students desired outcome(s) in mind, creating enjoyable stepping stones of learning to get them to their desired destination.

I love to inspire and encourage and work from and build upon creating a ‘ I can do’ foundation.
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