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Olumhe Benedict
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Olumhe Benedict
Town/city/borough Belfast, Ballymacarret, Skegoniel, Springfield (City of ), Sydenham
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Olumhe Benedict in a nutshell
We start by getting feedback from the student regarding their target level of proficiency. Depending on your proficiency level, we can start from doing a little assessment; reading, writing or conversational. This helps me to decide the pattern of approach. Students are allowed to decide their pattern of study or learning, some people thrive with more text, less audio while some others could choo...
We start by getting feedback from the student regarding their target level of proficiency. Depending on your proficiency level, we can start from doing a little assessment; reading, writing or conversational. This helps me to decide the pattern of approach. Students are allowed to decide their pattern of study or learning, some people thrive with more text, less audio while some others could choose a different pattern. My formal education from kindergarten to post graduate level was English taught, I honed my language skill by reading books of whatever kind: magazines, novels, newspaper and what not. One of the fastest ways of mastering the language - or any other languages infact is constant practice in the manner of speaking, listening, reading and writing. I'm currently learning Norsk and I use the same approach; I listen to Norwegian music, podcasts and watch movies while using a language app to improve my diction. I have Norwegian friends on social media with whom I speak the language. Remember you have to be consistent with practice so as not to lose proficiency. Never be too sure of your proficiency as to quit or skip practice. I encourage you to join me in this multilingualism movement, there's some excitement to being able to converse more than one language. There are more upsides to this; you're open to more employment opportunities, you have access to more educational opportunities, you're able to blend with the locals of your destination when you travel and so on. When would you like to get started?
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