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Olivia in a nutshell
I use the Gradual Release Model-“I do, We do, You do” when tutoring. First, I like to show the student, then the student and I practice the skill together, and then I like to see what the student can do on his/her own without me.
I am an advocate of productive struggle. Less instruction from me, and more from the student. Research shows “teacher talk” should only be 30%, whereas the rest should...
I use the Gradual Release Model-“I do, We do, You do” when tutoring. First, I like to show the student, then the student and I practice the skill together, and then I like to see what the student can do on his/her own without me.
I am an advocate of productive struggle. Less instruction from me, and more from the student. Research shows “teacher talk” should only be 30%, whereas the rest should be coming from the student. I like to do “in the moment” assessments to see if the student is mastering the material.
I am certified in Middle Grades Math 5-9, Exceptional Student Education ESE K-12, and Physical Education.
I have a Bachelors in Education as well as a Masters in Math and Science Education K-8.
I have taught various levels of math from intensive math (remedial math), 6th, 7th, and 8th grade general math courses, Pre-Algebra, and Algebra 1 standard and honors.
I have also started an alternative education program for high school students who were interested one-on-one student centered instruction as well as credit recovery classes for high school graduation.
I take pride in my teaching, and I love what I do. I am patient and am willing to do whatever it takes for my students to succeed.
I tell my students when they say, “I don’t get it.” I tell them, you just don’t get it “yet.” But you will! Stick with it! Work hard. I am here for along the way and am going through this journey with you!
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