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Olawole Oladeji
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Olawole Oladeji
Town/city/borough Dundee
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience Response time <strong>100%</strong> Response time 100%
Level of the lessons
Level of the lessons
Infant and nursery school
Secondary school
Education and qualifications
Education and qualifications
Master's degree (M) (studying): Master of Science in Applied Mathematics
Bachelor's Degree: Bachelor of Technology
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Olawole Oladeji in a nutshell
I like using demonstration while teaching. I like to take questions away from the board/text book and put the student at the centre by using fitting illustration to explain basic mathematics principle. This has helped my student to be able to relate and adapt even when they see related mathematical problems in future.
I like using demonstration while teaching. I like to take questions away from the board/text book and put the student at the centre by using fitting illustration to explain basic mathematics principle. This has helped my student to be able to relate and adapt even when they see related mathematical problems in future.
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