The foundation of this tutoring service is to help students fulfil their potential by preparing to change their work ethic, mindset and attitude to learning- essentially 'change to succeed'.
I take pride in being an empathetic and approachable tutor who adapts to each student's individual needs, and adopts effective communication styles to build a good rapport with all students. I develop and i...
The foundation of this tutoring service is to help students fulfil their potential by preparing to change their work ethic, mindset and attitude to learning- essentially 'change to succeed'.
I take pride in being an empathetic and approachable tutor who adapts to each student's individual needs, and adopts effective communication styles to build a good rapport with all students. I develop and implement detailed lesson plans that accommodate specific level of learners while offering specialist support to help each student become more confident in their academic ability.
They key to exam success involves the ability to transfer knowledge acquired in lessons and applying it effectively in real exam questions which comes with extensive practice of questions and past papers. Hence, all past papers will be covered alongside thorough coverage of practice questions from a wide variety of sources. I strongly believe my tailored approach combined with modern teaching techniques will help unlock every child's potential!
For more information about the classes (specific details) and how they are conducted, please contact me directly and I will be happy to answer any questions.
I offer in-person (dependent on location) and online tutoring services
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