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1st class free
First class free
Town/city/borough Leeds, Holbeck (City and Borough of ), Richmond Hill
verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
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Level of the lessons
Infant and nursery school
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Nikita in a nutshell
I will be starting from the basics as they are the most crucial when it comes to understanding even higher level of grades. We will be focusing on concepts and different kind of problems that can be solved for each concept. Books provided by the school will be followed apart from some extra study material that will be provided after finishing each lesson. Timings can be flexible and classes can b...
I will be starting from the basics as they are the most crucial when it comes to understanding even higher level of grades. We will be focusing on concepts and different kind of problems that can be solved for each concept. Books provided by the school will be followed apart from some extra study material that will be provided after finishing each lesson. Timings can be flexible and classes can be rescheduled according to the student. Extra sessions will be available during exams for doubts and practice. I believe in making learning fun and interactive. Join me!
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