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Nicole Dombrowski
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Nicole Dombrowski
Town/city/borough Philadelphia
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Nicole Dombrowski in a nutshell
Using the Danielson Framework theory, I find that learning from all areas is very critical to understanding and digesting new information. Learning environments that are safe, diverse and community based, enhance the learning experience dramatically. I like to learn in group settings, with real life problem/solutions. I also believe in learning the "why" questions to content I teach. Being able t...
Using the Danielson Framework theory, I find that learning from all areas is very critical to understanding and digesting new information. Learning environments that are safe, diverse and community based, enhance the learning experience dramatically. I like to learn in group settings, with real life problem/solutions. I also believe in learning the "why" questions to content I teach. Being able to understand the importance of content is going to help with aide in learning it!
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