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Nick in a nutshell
Whilst the array of topics expected of you in physics may at first appear overwhelmingly broad, there is one common thread linking them all—mathematics! Mathematics is the language physicists use to describe the universe in which they exist and, at GCSE and A-level, we can condense the mathematics you will need to a handful of ideas. These ideas will then be used to help understand the physics. H...
Whilst the array of topics expected of you in physics may at first appear overwhelmingly broad, there is one common thread linking them all—mathematics! Mathematics is the language physicists use to describe the universe in which they exist and, at GCSE and A-level, we can condense the mathematics you will need to a handful of ideas. These ideas will then be used to help understand the physics. However, some students are comfortable with mathematics in its purest sense but less so with its applications, such as physics. This is because physics also requires the student to visualise and "imagine" physical scenarios before converting them in to a mathematical problem. We will develop this skill as we go. If you seek help only with pure mathematics then I cover this too. My focus throughout my studies has been on both pure mathematics and its applications in physics, in equal part. As we progress beyond our first few lessons, with useful foundations in place, the lessons become exclusively tailored to the needs of the individual student.
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