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Town/city/borough London, East Sheen, Kew, Kew Gardens, Kew Green, Mortlake, Richmond (Greater )
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Secondary school
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Nick in a nutshell
I taught students of all ages for 7 years while living abroad. Through this, I have acquired a wealth of experience at working with students of differing ages, ability levels and personality types.

I pride myself on being personable but understanding also when the work should be taken seriously. Learning languages should be fun and include a variety of activities and games to encourage vocabular...
I taught students of all ages for 7 years while living abroad. Through this, I have acquired a wealth of experience at working with students of differing ages, ability levels and personality types.

I pride myself on being personable but understanding also when the work should be taken seriously. Learning languages should be fun and include a variety of activities and games to encourage vocabulary and grammar retention. Therefore, students enjoy my teaching and improve their ability rapidly.

Overall, years of experience have equipped me to be able to adapt based on the student. Education should be bespoke and this is my priority.
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