I would start out with an initial taster session, which is an opportunity for the client and their carer to get to meet me in person and ask questions. I will go over the terms of our agreement in this session, most particularly safeguarding. I will ask a few questions about the client’s current education and personal goals. I will invite the client and their carer to share any additional needs w...
I would start out with an initial taster session, which is an opportunity for the client and their carer to get to meet me in person and ask questions. I will go over the terms of our agreement in this session, most particularly safeguarding. I will ask a few questions about the client’s current education and personal goals. I will invite the client and their carer to share any additional needs which may impact their tutoring, and I will advise on how I can support and facilitate them. We will discuss suitable times and environments for tutoring, considering my own and the client’s schedule.
From there, we will use the time to: - identify areas which the client would like to work on - develop and support a study routine to support their personal and academic goals - review previous and upcoming assignments together - learn how to get the most out of teacher feedback - learn to find ‘personal voice’ in their English work whilst still meeting the marking criteria - learn to express our opinions and ideas confidently - learn to formulate essay plans - learn different strategies for time management, memorisation, and wider reading - come to discover joy and passion for this wonderful subject, which I cannot wait to share with you.
After one month, I provide an optional review session, where I and the client can reflect together on how the tutoring is going, and if there are any adjustments I can make to support their learning ie: would they like to revisit a previous topic, or proceed at a slower or faster pace.
Carers are welcome to sit in on tutoring sessions. I can deliver tutoring in-person or online through either zoom, or Microsoft teams.