Going through secondary school, I noticed that biology is a subject which requires not just theoretical understanding but also visual understanding, for example understanding how the heart works or how blood vessels work. I am planning to teach visually by using my whiteboard or pictures as people respond to colour and pictures much more than lectures on a topic. I am also young so it is easy for...
Going through secondary school, I noticed that biology is a subject which requires not just theoretical understanding but also visual understanding, for example understanding how the heart works or how blood vessels work. I am planning to teach visually by using my whiteboard or pictures as people respond to colour and pictures much more than lectures on a topic. I am also young so it is easy for kids to speak to me and relate more to me allowing us to develop a better relationship leading to more efficient lessons. These things would allow children to learn biology better as it means that they can easily involve themselves in lessons as they may feel more comfortable around a person that is within their age group, and the idea of pictures allow them to capture the understanding of what the specification wants then to know for their upcoming exams in the summer.