Fingerprint science in forensic plays an important role. Evidential value of fingerprint is greater than any other evidence. Hence making it crucial in criminal investigation. Many criminals (including high profile cases) were convicted on the basis of this scientific evidence. Not only in criminal justice system but in day-to-day basis, fingerprint and other biometrics become an important aspect...
Fingerprint science in forensic plays an important role. Evidential value of fingerprint is greater than any other evidence. Hence making it crucial in criminal investigation. Many criminals (including high profile cases) were convicted on the basis of this scientific evidence. Not only in criminal justice system but in day-to-day basis, fingerprint and other biometrics become an important aspect of life.
I am a fingerprint expert and worked as forensic lecturer in 2 state universities of India for 4+ years. Online classes, daily practical sessions and assessment of students were my job responsibilities. Apart from this I use to take workshops and webinar for students and officials online.
Our study sessions will include fundamental to advance study of fingerprint science. Its principles, characteristics, analysis, types, classification embryological development and development of latent prints will be our core topics in learning. Comparison of two or more fingerprints, general & forensic applications will also be included.
Teaching methodology used will be interactive via online meeting platforms (Ex. Google meet, zoom).
Power point presentations including photographs and video graphs of my original work doing fingerprint analysis will be used to increase efficiency of learning. Join my private classes to learn about most intrigue patterns (fingerprints) found in humans.
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