Concrete experience. This is when the learner has a new experience, such as riding a bike for the first time.
Reflective observation. After the concrete experience, the learner must reflect on their actions and watch others perform that action.
Abstract conceptualization. The next step involves the learner making sense of their reflections and making a plan for going forward. They mi...
Concrete experience. This is when the learner has a new experience, such as riding a bike for the first time.
Reflective observation. After the concrete experience, the learner must reflect on their actions and watch others perform that action.
Abstract conceptualization. The next step involves the learner making sense of their reflections and making a plan for going forward. They might come up with next steps and seek insight from experts.
Active experimentation. During the final stage, the learner will consider their reflections and previous lessons and then retry the original experience to see if any progress has been made. This will lead to a new concrete experience, and so the cycle restarts.