My teaching pedagogy involves constant interaction and mutual sharing of knowledge. At every stage, my focus is on relating to realtime situations & solutions, thereof. It will extensively contain practical exercises at every level, in the format of worksheets. Additionally, I use presentation material and images borrowed from the web for a more comprehensive understnding of the subject under dis...
My teaching pedagogy involves constant interaction and mutual sharing of knowledge. At every stage, my focus is on relating to realtime situations & solutions, thereof. It will extensively contain practical exercises at every level, in the format of worksheets. Additionally, I use presentation material and images borrowed from the web for a more comprehensive understnding of the subject under discussion. My students range from young kids to adults serving as professionals in various enterprises. I encourage each to share personal experiences, while sharing mine; and I stress upon outcomes by general observation. Each individual, I believe, has as much to teach, as learn. Over several years of experience in academia, I've learnt that students learn best under a mutually interactive environment. Added to that is my constant quest for relating the subject under discussion, with actual situations.
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