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Nathan in a nutshell
I like to start off, getting to know the individual that I am working with- as no method is solely applicable to every student- everyone is different.

Once I know what kind of learner you are, I like to start each lesson with an engaging retrieval task- based on your weaker areas- that break it down to simpler, more memorable terms.

Having sat my own GCSE’s not long ago; I fully understand th...
I like to start off, getting to know the individual that I am working with- as no method is solely applicable to every student- everyone is different.

Once I know what kind of learner you are, I like to start each lesson with an engaging retrieval task- based on your weaker areas- that break it down to simpler, more memorable terms.

Having sat my own GCSE’s not long ago; I fully understand the expectations of the examination boards, the pressure applied, and how gruelling these tasks can be- so I aim to elevate that stress, to really help you get the most you can from your learning.

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