**Maths Tutor**
Natasha Townsend
I'm offering online maths tutoring. I have GCSE Maths (9), A-Level Maths (A*) and Further Maths (A*).
I love maths and enjoy explaining it to others, grasping the importance of logical, step-by-step explanations to make the complex more simple.
If a maths lesson is engaging, fun and well-explained, anyone can grasp it, so that's what I'll aim to do.
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**Maths Tutor**
Natasha Townsend
I'm offering online maths tutoring. I have GCSE Maths (9), A-Level Maths (A*) and Further Maths (A*).
I love maths and enjoy explaining it to others, grasping the importance of logical, step-by-step explanations to make the complex more simple.
If a maths lesson is engaging, fun and well-explained, anyone can grasp it, so that's what I'll aim to do.
First lesson free from one of Britain's [self-proclaimed] greatest mathematical minds. I even know long division.
I'm looking forward to getting started as a tutor. If you're interested in dipping into other subjects aside from maths, I can help with Music (A-Level/A), Music Technology (A-Level/A*), or GCSE level English, Spanish, Science, Geography, DT (all Grade 9).
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