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Town/city/borough Loughborough
verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
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Secondary school
Education and qualifications
Education and qualifications
Bachelor's Degree (studying): Sport and Exercise Science
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Natasha in a nutshell
Hello! My name is Natasha, and I am offering various subjects for tutoring whilst I study my bachelor's degree. I am a very bubbly and passionate individual and I will work hard to help my students progress in their studies. Although I have not officially tutored before, I have often helped my peers with their studies and I also have a teaching qualification in Acrobatic Arts, so i am experienced...
Hello! My name is Natasha, and I am offering various subjects for tutoring whilst I study my bachelor's degree. I am a very bubbly and passionate individual and I will work hard to help my students progress in their studies. Although I have not officially tutored before, I have often helped my peers with their studies and I also have a teaching qualification in Acrobatic Arts, so i am experienced in running a class and helping students progress.

In my A-level studies I achieved A*AC in Psychology, Biology and Chemistry and have continued my studies at university where I study BSc Sport and Exercise Science. I am most comfortable teaching Biology, Psychology and Physical Education, but also have knowledge in surrounding subject areas such as Math's. This often crossovers with the subjects I am capable to teach so I can offer help with any mathematical skills that appear in the prospectus for these subjects too.

I am more than happy to alter my lessons to suit individual students and what works best for them. it could be understanding class notes, how to structure an essay, using scientific language and much more! I can also be flexible with my schedule to fit in as many sessions as the student may require per week. This includes if more sessions are needed closer to exam periods, or if the student has any upcoming tests.

I look forward to starting lessons and being able to help other students progress further in their studies. Please feel free to ask any questions or if you have any queries :)
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