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Nagina in a nutshell
I aim to give children as many learning opportunities and experiences as possible to engage, motivate and prepare them for future life. An appropriate, balanced, challenging and creative curriculum is essential in developing children’s skills, knowledge and understanding. These all underpin personalised learning and have in particular come to understand the value of sharing learning objectives an...
I aim to give children as many learning opportunities and experiences as possible to engage, motivate and prepare them for future life. An appropriate, balanced, challenging and creative curriculum is essential in developing children’s skills, knowledge and understanding. These all underpin personalised learning and have in particular come to understand the value of sharing learning objectives and success criteria with children. Knowing precisely what is expected and how they can achieve allows children to focus more clearly on tasks. This also facilitates practical self and peer assessments, as there are clear criteria and objectives to assess against, encouraging children to take more responsibility for their own learning. Progression needs to be planned for so that as children work and explore at their own pace, there is always something else ready to move them on and take them further in their learning. I also believe that differentiation and meeting varied learning styles are key to effective teaching and learning. Work should be set at an appropriate, but challenging, level. When I prepare lessons I make a conscious effort to ensure I am not just catering for visual learners like myself, but trying to see lessons through other learners’ eyes.
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