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Nagaharith Gogisetti
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Nagaharith Gogisetti
Town/city/borough Lincoln, Boultham, Burton (shire), Burton Waters, Riseholme, South Carlton
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Nagaharith Gogisetti in a nutshell
I have experience with teaching in classrooms as an assistant at GCSE Level, and privately tutoring family friends. Using a simple format that is example based and breaking down the problem for easy spotting of where the confusion could be occuring.

Lessons will start by getting a gauge for where you are currently, and then working out on how best to teach based on that initial gauge. But I am...
I have experience with teaching in classrooms as an assistant at GCSE Level, and privately tutoring family friends. Using a simple format that is example based and breaking down the problem for easy spotting of where the confusion could be occuring.

Lessons will start by getting a gauge for where you are currently, and then working out on how best to teach based on that initial gauge. But I am not a traditional teacher, so please interrupt me when you are stuck and let me know immediately when you do not understand something, as that will make sure we can both work effectively and efficiently to get the best out of the lessons you out time into. Time is extremely valuable so I only want to make sure we have productive sessions.

I am most keen to teach Algebra and Calculus, including things like Integration, Differentiation, Algebraic manipulation, but also factorising, expaning, and anything where there might be an x involved! Of course, I will be completely fine with all other topics like Geometry, Probability, et cetera.

I also will practice with you and work alongside you to better give you an insight of how I work through the problems, going step by step, line by line, and explaining each step.

That was a super long and drab explanation which might have been boring, but I will try me very best to make sure I do not bore you to sleep! I look forward to working maths out with you!
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