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Nadiya Driouche
1st class free
First class free
Nadiya Driouche
Town/city/borough London
verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
Level of the lessons
Level of the lessons
Secondary school
Education and qualifications
Education and qualifications
Bachelor's Degree: Baccalaureate
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Nadiya Driouche in a nutshell
informal lessons but firm ensuring students can learn without being nervous or feeling the pressure
Phones are not allowed as not to obstruct students from learning
Frequent learning check without feeling stressful
Questions are welcome during and after the lesson for the benefit of learning.
No eating or vaping throughout the lesson.
A group or one to one lessons are provided depending on the...
informal lessons but firm ensuring students can learn without being nervous or feeling the pressure
Phones are not allowed as not to obstruct students from learning
Frequent learning check without feeling stressful
Questions are welcome during and after the lesson for the benefit of learning.
No eating or vaping throughout the lesson.
A group or one to one lessons are provided depending on the need of the student.
Homework is always given at the end of the lesson as both revision and test to keep students always alert.
I speak Egyptian, Moroccan and Algerian Dialects . I will be more than happy to teach them to student who would like to travel to these beautiful countries and do no wish to be embarrassed or harassed while trying to have a good time but the language/Dialect is a barrier.
Pens and note books should be provided by students and should be ready to start at the agreed time Any Questions are welcome at the end of the session unless they are lesson related of course.
I hope to see you soon.
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