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Nadi Madushanai De Silva
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Nadi Madushanai De Silva
Town/city/borough Dundee
verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
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Nadi Madushanai De Silva in a nutshell
I have worked as assistant lecturer for undergraduate students and I have more than 3 years experience in teaching for student. During this period I used different method to teach. But most of the time I use example for teach mathematics concept. After that I am doing another example with them. Then I give another questions to do individually after finish them work I discussed about questions and...
I have worked as assistant lecturer for undergraduate students and I have more than 3 years experience in teaching for student. During this period I used different method to teach. But most of the time I use example for teach mathematics concept. After that I am doing another example with them. Then I give another questions to do individually after finish them work I discussed about questions and difficulties when they try to do questions.
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