With experience as a trainer in my former company, I have acquired solid expertise in teaching. In addition, I have also participated in the organization of extracurricular activities aimed at improving students' language skills. I am naturally very attentive to my students and rigorous in the preparation of my training.I love meeting new students and helping them improve their language skills.
With experience as a trainer in my former company, I have acquired solid expertise in teaching. In addition, I have also participated in the organization of extracurricular activities aimed at improving students' language skills. I am naturally very attentive to my students and rigorous in the preparation of my training.I love meeting new students and helping them improve their language skills.
So let's go fun and learn :-) !
Fort d'une expérience en tant que formatrice dans mon ancienne entreprise, j'ai acquis une solide expertise dans l'enseignement De plus, j'ai également été participer à l'organisation d'activités extrascolaires visant à améliorer les compétences linguistiques des élèves. Je suis naturellement très à l’écoute de mes élèves et rigoureuse dans la préparation de mes formations.J'adore rencontrer de nouveaux étudiants et les aider à améliorer leurs compétences linguistiques.
Alors allons-y, amusons-nous et apprenons :-) !